It's nearly August! And I've not posted in the longest time! Seems the more I long to blog, the longer I seem to put it off! Just this past weekend, I have gained a daughter! Son got married at the beach and it was a lovely time! Now, I have two married children, and a third who seems determined to remain single! We had a good brief time together though, and was thankful I was able to attend!
I am envious of folks who seem to be able to take a vacation at the drop of a hat--whereby I have to plan and schedule and plan and scrimp just to take one day off! One day! I promise myself! One day! If it wasn't for the children living elsewhere, I guess I'd never go anywhere! Except they live so far away, traveling is rather difficult to plan when one has to travel alone! As I get older, I tend not to want to do that much. The upside of that is you don't have to please anyone but yourself! I'll scan some photos and place on here so that others can see my beautiful children and the views we had for the day!~